The Placement Office

Lahore School of Economics

Nestle Recruitment Session

Nestle brought a lot of thrill and excitement to the campus by coming for their recruitment session on 24th January, 2018. Two days earlier Nestle’s campus ambassador did an interesting prehype activity to engage students and register them for the upcoming session. The team started off with having an  activity with the students where they need to be creative and draw their ideas on a piece of chart by keeping in mind the tagline “Nestle Meets LSE”. It was a fun activity and the team with most number of votes was announced as winners.

The session started with Nestle team talking about their company and how it is ranked among its competitors. Four of the five representatives from Nestle team were Lahore School’s alumni and they talked about their journey from Lahore School to Nestle. Mr Daniyal Ali, Consumer Insight Manager mentioned key pointers which he thought enabled him to make it to Nestle and how students should focus more on those in order to succeed. Ms Mina Shahid, Lead Procurement Specialist talked about how internships in reputable companies are important as when companies like Nestle need a resource they first look into their data base of interns who had performed well during their internships so those students have a greater chance of landing into the company for jobs once they graduate. They briefed the students about their MTO program, lateral hiring and their summer internship program.

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posted by The Placement Office @ 14:57, No comment,

Meet & Greet - Resume Editing Day

A Meet & Greet and Resume Editing Day activity was organized by the Placement Office on 18th and 19th of January, 2018 for the graduating Bachelors students to ensure their resume is error free and appropriate before the recruitment season starts for the year. The activity involved one on one discussion session with Ms Rabia Suhail, Manager Placements and Ms Zarnab Zulfiqar , Coordinator Bachelors third year and fourth year students. They reviewed each student’s resume in detail and gave them suggestions on how to improve it and make it a winning resume. They also discussed student‘s career aspirations and goals and gave individual feedback on how to further improve themselves.

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posted by The Placement Office @ 10:52, No comment,

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