The Placement Office

Lahore School of Economics

Setting Up a New Business - An Alumni Perspective

The Placement Office conducted a session on “Setting up a new Business Pros & Cons-An Alumni Perspective” on October 2nd, 2017. The session started with Miss Alishey Obaid, CEO Foodiology 101 talking about her idea and how her passion led to her starting her own business. She explained in detail what problems she incurred during the process of starting up. The second speaker was Mr Haris Habib, owner Daily Deli, a burger joint at Arfa Kareem Towers. He told his story of initially getting a job after graduation and then doing a project for his boss. During the project he realized the potential  of food court space at Arfa Towers and he took the initiative to start the business himself by taking initial seed money from his father. He spoke about his difficulties and failures when his second branch at DHA got burned and how he handled the situation and finally got over the circumstances. The third guest, Mr Aadil Rasul, owner Bomber Jackets Official narrated his story; how he started from twenty five thousand rupees. His aim was to make the brand a premium brand and worn by niche of the society. The speakers talked about the marketing & advertising tools they used for their brands .They also spoke about how Lahore School enabled them to understand the market and be successful entrepreneurs.


posted by The Placement Office @ 09:55,


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